Sunday, July 29, 2012

Weekends are my "school" time.

With three weeks left, my husband has already made the comment - "I've lost you already for the next 9 months"... With that said, my husband works weekends and asked if I could focus all my energy during that time so he could enjoy the next three weeks because he is going to miss me.. AWWW!

I am super excited to be coming back to my school.... I thought it would be great if any veteran teachers would leave comments or positive suggestions to those of us that are still new!

Here is my rocking readers... the I looks like an F but it doesn't look that way on the printable. :)
Click Here for the Printable off Scribd

Have an awesome Sunday,
Liz :)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

3 Weeks Until the Start of School

Busy Weekend! 

I am working on a rock and roll theme for my 5th grade classroom this year.  I started by going to pinterest and finding ways that I wanted to do my room.  I will try and post them so that they can get their recognition, but I did get a few printables accomplished.

1) First thing I did was create my job list (Click Here to Get a printable of the jobs).

2) Revamped my entire policy and procedures. This went from 4 pages front and back down to 1. 

3) Created gold records (I will try and put a printable up for you) for classroom management. Another site I had the joy of visiting was This is one that works really went especially with those that have SMARTboards.  I love technology and am always looking for ways to incorporate it into my classroom

4) When you are on a creative run, make sure to make something for your friend/mentor/awesome coworker

  So I had a caddy from my Starbucks Mocha drinks and decided I needed to make something for my pens (This could also be a neat teacher gift or caddy that you don't care if it gets destroyed)

All you need is a caddy and duct tape! :D  Cover the caddy with any type of neat duct tape you can find. There are a lot of cool kinds out there!

Continue to tape around.  It's fun to get another piece that is different to add in the middle to hide the edge of the tape. 

 When you are done it should look like this. 

Ta-Da!!!  It's a fun caddy that you can create for your classroom or a friend.  Don't forget to tape the bottom so it holds! :) 

(I wanted to give a shout-out to where I got my web header as well it is courtesy of